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 Mall Flower

Exposure, An Anthology of Micro-Fiction

Veils, Halos & Shackles, International Poetry on the Oppression and Empowerment of Women

April, 2016

Please purchase Mall Flower from Amazon, Big Table Publishing or me. Do not buy it from e-bay,, or any other outlet where it's being sold illegally. Thank you! 

 The Best Small Fictions 2016

 September 6, 2016

Beautiful Raft Cover.jpg
In The Press


"Two things to note about this book: it’s profoundly human and profoundly skillful. The poems are complemented by the fine illustrations of the artist Kristin Flynn. The beauty Barry renders in lines and rhythms, Flynn evokes in images and tones.  I Tell Henrietta is about family, friends and acquaintances, and ultimately, the reader."

Peter Mladinic, Your Impossible Voice


“I’m an ardent admirer of Tina Barry’s tremendous imagination and way with words. I really enjoy sectioned prose poems and the way they can form a collage in words, and Barry is so adept at weaving different images together in ways that form an overarching story. In this issue, among other themes, she contemplates the small secrets that we believe go unseen, and how they might change us when they surface.”  

Lorette C. Luzajic

The Mackinaw: a journal of prose poetry

March 2024

"The journal does not back away from drama. In “A Friend’s Daughter Dies,” Tina Barry reveals that the young woman had “A topiary of tattoos on track-ruined arms/etched blue jays preening/owls perched/Circling the dunes/of her collarbones.”

The Review Review, 11/14/17.

"Online Poetry Mag is Home for Strong Writers of Verse," Maria DePaul.

Review of The American Poetry Journal's fall 2017 issue.

"These narrators spill all kinds of family secrets, especially the younger ones. In Tina Barry’s “Going South,” a daughter recreates with diary entries her family’s last trip to Miami “before Dad switched families.” Subtly, we experience the sadness that has invaded their lives—the sister’s insomnia, the mother's restless feet and short love line. It ends with an image that hints at a terminus beyond the family’s return to New Jersey: “My sister threw a deck of cards out the car window. We watched them spiral tightly together down the highway, then blink out like dead stars as the wind drew them apart."

The Harvard Review Online, 12/16.

From Lisa Mullenneaux's review of  The Best Small Fictions 2016. 

"Tina Barry's 'Something Amber' is a masterfully poignant piece in which each word counts. It is a love story sketched in brief yet vulnerable moments, which creates, through deft, minimal prose, a fleeting chord struck in harmony with our own."

"This week's pick is Beautiful Raft by Tina Barry (Big Table Publishing, 2019). Beautiful Raft is exactly what I want in poetry: highly-readable, evocative and beautiful language coupled with bold storytelling. Barry takes us inside the mind of Virginia Haggard and her young daughter Jean, during their time living with artist Marc Chagall, Haggard's lover, in High Falls. The poems feel deeply intimate, especially as the reader follows Haggard's painful, growing personal dissatisfaction and and feelings of losing herself to the needs of Chagall and her children. I devoured it and would have gladly read even more."

Kelli Huggins

Visitor Experience Coordinator

Book Review column, Catskill Visitor Center

The Best Small Fictions 2020, one of 13 spotlighted stories. Editor Elena Stiehler,

October 2020.

“…With a sort of precision and attention most poets would reserve for the mapping of a butterfly wing, in Mall Flower, Tina Barry dedicates both her short fictions and poems to something equally perplexing and full of beautiful angles and confusing symbols - she points the magnifying glass so that it reflects the sun against the sheen of plastic, the semi-precious, the hair-sprayed, fast-food fed realities that usher many of us into and out of days, years, and even decades of longing for genuine connections.”

Jen Knox

After the Gazebo

"Tina Barry’s aptly-titled Mall Flower shimmers with delicate and gritty insights. Barry is a writer of great warmth, intelligence and wit; the poems and stories in her delightful debut collection will move and surprise you."

Jessica Hagedorn


Tina Barry is something of a micro sorceress. And she does just that; she surprises. In these stories, from a linked collection about Marc Chagall’s relationship with Virginia Haggard McNeil, Barry takes us on a journey in three perfectly crafted flashes; each one satisfying, bringing us into land in the final sentence.

Jonathan Cardew, Editor

Connotation Press



Please contact Tina Barry:

Tel: 646-925-0281  |

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