"Why Chinchilla is my Favorite Fur," from I Tell Henrietta, posted at Every Day Poems, 9/23/24
"I am from Pennsylvania USA my please
how about you!", a found poem, posted at MacQueen's Quinterly, 9/23/24
"Three Lovers I Never Had," won third prize in MacQueen's Quinterly's cheribun contest, and "Cemetery, Castine, Maine" was short-listed. 8/31/24.
"Neighbors" posted at Thimble Literary Journal, 6/26/24.
"This Time It's Cats" included in the cat-themed issue of the wonderful MsLexia Magazine. 6/1/24.
"Because I Was Lonely" posted at ONE ART:
a journal of poetry. 5/24/24. Nominated for the Best of the Net award.
"Sonnet for El Steino" included in First Literary Review East. 5/23/24
"How to Lose a Wife. Or Two" posted at Gooseberry Tart. 5/2/24.
"Elegy for Mother, not yet Dead," included in the Mom Egg Review's Ages/Stages anthology.
April 2024
"No Grief Like a Bird's" published at SWWIM.
Several new poems in The Mackinaw: a journal of prose poetry. 3/15/24
"After grief, a trout" published in the February issue of The Indianapolis Review. 2/12/24
Two micros: "Ed Sullivan's Fault" and "Outliers" from I Tell Henrietta, and the poem "Worried Wool," posted in the February issue of MacQueen's Quinterly. 2/1/24
Five micros from the Henrietta series published in the February issue of the South Florida Poetry Journal, 2/1/24.
"Understanding What I Didn't" is included in issue seven of Gleam: Journal of the Cadralor, 12/17/23
"Hosed" was chosen by Writersread.org to be performed at the City Winery, in New York City, 9/10/23. I read at about 22 minutes:
"I tell Henrietta about my father's mistress" is included in the Nixes Mate Summer/Fall 2023 anthology. September 2023
"My Mother Dreams of Judge Judy" included in the August issue of Yellow Mama Literary Magazine. 8/14/23. The poem originally appeared in Nixes Mate, 2021
"Life Drawing" posted at Five Minute Lit. 8/4/23
"I tell Henrietta about the swans" posted at The Maryland Literary Review. 6/22/23
"Another Haunting" published at Ghost City Review. 6/21/23
"Few Words for Father" posted at ONE ART:
a journal of poetry. 6/15/23
"Another Server Calls Me 'Young Lady,'" posted at Little Old Lady Comedy.
The sestina originally appeared in Defenestration Magazine. 5/1/23
"Another Server Calls me 'Young Lady'" posted at Defenestration Magazine, August 2021
"I tell Henrietta that before I left my boyfriend" and "My year of telling lies" are posted at MacQueen's Quinterly. 4/30/23
My poem "Here Lies Butch" is included in The Dead Pets Anthology (Transcendent Zero Press). April 2023
"Like Apples" included in the Friendship Anthology, Pure Slush, July 2021
"Advice from Rusty's Ex" is posted in issue two of Agape Editions Alice Says Go Fuck Yourself, February 21, 2023. (Page 12)
"Oh, the carnies," from the Henrietta series, is posted at trampset. February 17, 2023. Nominated for the Best of the Net award 2024.
"Why mermaids upset me," four micros from the Henrietta series, posted in the February issue of the South Florida Poetry Journal, 2/2/23
Four prose poems from the Henrietta series posted in the Fall 2022 issue of Thimble Literary Magazine, 12/30/22
"The Little I Remember" is included in the #78 Winter 2022 issue of Rattle. December 2022
"The Little I Remember," originally published at Rattle, is featured at Verse-Daily, 12/29/22
My essay "Coming Full Circle" appeared in Circle Ahead, a style magazine with a focus on sustainability in the fashion industry . December 2022
"I mention the deer," from the Henrietta series, posted at The Maryland Literary Review. 12/15/22
"Lilies" and "Mother's Ready" included in the Winter 2022 issue of Orchards Poetry Journal.
"Throwing Shade," a collaborative poem with Lissa Kiernan, is posted at The Fourth River. November 16, 2022
"Writing Pot Roast" posted at Sage Soup, 2021
"Clairvoyant," posted at Hobo Camp Review, April 2021
"Townies" included in Stepaway Magazine's 10-year anniversary issue, 3/21
"Something Amber" is a spotlighted story in The Best Small Fictions Anthology, 2020, 1/21
"Ink-antation" at Diaphanous Micro, 1/21
"Welcome Ladies your name?" posted at What Rough Beast, Indolent Books, 11/19
Big Table Publishers releases
Beautiful Raft, my book of prose poems about the artist Marc Chagall's lover Virginia Haggard, and her daughter Jean McNeil, October, 2019
"After the Shooting in El Paso" posted at New Verse News, 8/9/19
"Another Poem in which I Bitch About Being Called 'Young Lady'" is included in Gyroscope Review's Fall 2022 Crone Power issue. (Page 11)
"Mother's Ready" is posted at ONE ART: a journal of poetry, 10/22/22
Three poems from the Henrietta series posted at Unbroken. October, 2022
"Hide Away," from Beautiful Raft, featured in Karen Paul Holmes' "Telling Your Story Through Another's Eyes," at Tweet Speak.
Three poems from the Henrietta series posted
at Bending Genres, August 2022
"Lilies" posted at ONE ART: a journal of poetry, May 2022
"Gray Pearls" posted at Verse-Virtual, April 2022
"After Discovering Mother's Passport" was a finalist at the Stephen A. DiBiase Poetry Prize, April 2022
"Henrietta and the great flood" included in
A-Minor Magazine's 13th anniversary issue. 5/31/23. The story is included in Wigleaf Magazine's best short fiction long list for 2024!
Writing tip posted at Vancouver Flash Fiction.
May 28th, 2023
Two micros, one published 10 years ago, and one recent micro that responds to it, included in A Cluster of Lights, An Anthology, from the 52/250 project.
"Ghosts?", "Henrietta asks about my sex life" and "So, your father, Henrietta says" posted at Gone Lawn. 5/5/23
"After Discovering Mother's Passport" posted at the Panoply Zine, January 2022
"Her Hair, a Braid," from Mall Flower, posted at Moms on Poetry, November 2021
"While Mother Dreams of Judge Judy" included in Nixes Mate Review's In the Time of Covid Anthology, 2021
"The Poem Pretends to be a Twin," posted in the Rat's Ass Review, Winter 2021
"Pine" included in the When Home Is Not Safe Anthology, McFarland Books, September 2021